Scripted shorts:
pretend I'm dead: Written by aiden spencer (2025)
Three Friends Swallowed Whole: Written by macey Keung and hayden park (2025)
Girl car: Written by trevor Padoll (2024) ---- Winner of prospect park arts club audience choice award
Failed film festival
Pizza me: Written by katherine D'anjolell ---- 48 hour film festival 2024
July 23 - july 24: Story Editor on three short documentaries, 12 mins each.
crafted with seasoned story dev (former WB exec) in a remote internship
a re-edit for my friends from CUNY
- for work readiness scheme with bmcc
Jan 2024 - May 2024
TOXSICK delves into the neurological injuries benzo diazapenes cause.
I worked with a remote team based out of the uk, using stock and archive footage for promo materials.
I was chosen to film and go to cannes Marche du film as a representative of the film, with the source of the story - the Executive director-writer.
We crafted story, arranged meetings and learned about film funding + distro as first time makers.

"Le 14 Ans De Tyabala": Guinean Kids rise from a low social Caste to become traditional musicians.
Edited and devised this feature documentary's narrative, guided by my Executive Producer. This project called for cutting of 14 years of footage from different camera op's.
Through French (which i'm a novice in) and the Kids' native tribal language susu, I was reading from body language and intonation to cut for emotion.
Performances and honest interviews from the kids are interspersed with the wisdom of their mentors. This is 'the music of kings', that is in danger of dying out. These kids 'looking for an occupation' have taken up the call.
I learned about the music that made it to Broadway in the 1960s and was seen by Miles Davis. Made graphic titles, formatted subtitles.
"Tea Time": What'll remain?
A woman grapples with being alone, her lingering memories are encroaching...
"GQ: Valentin Humbruoch": Shake it into gold
© Becky Lamming 2023